Sunday 2 June 2024

Salaam Worthy Friend - Michael Maliakel Bids Farewell to Aladdin

Michael Maliakel as Aladdin, Photo by Michaelah Reynolds/Theatrely

I can't believe this day is here already. Tonight, Michael Maliakel will take his final bow at the New Amsterdam Theatre as he brings his historic run as Aladdin to a close.

Michael took over the title role when Aladdin re-opened on Broadway on September 28th, 2021 and has led the cast from the joy of that return, through the turbulence of that first winter, to the heights of this year's 10th anniversary (a long overdue write up of which is coming soon, I promise!).

I've had the joy of seeing Michael perform as Aladdin three times over his three years with the show. First in December 2021, just after the show had re-opened, and then twice this year for the 10th anniversary.

When I first saw him, Michael was already a fantastic Aladdin, but seeing him again this year I was blown away by just how much he had grown into the role and some of the subtle choices he made with his performance. He truly made the part his own.

I always wish that people could stay with the show forever, but part of the beauty of live theatre is that it exists in the moment, that every performance is unique and over time you get to see how the show grows and changes with every cast member who steps out onto that stage.

Michael leaves some incredibly big shoes to fill, and I am excited to see what comes next for both him and the show.

Michael, thank you for all the high adventures these last 3 years. They have been truly magical.

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